imi eportfolio login
If you like to get into the “imi eportfolio login” Here is the list of the important links that you are looking for.
ePortfolio Login – IMI | Institute of the Motor Industry
Note: If you’ve been here before, please enter your username or candidate number to log in
EP Assessor – IMI Awards
Covid-19 Update In light of the ongoing and increased uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus, we wanted to reassure you of the steps we’re taking to ensure we continue to deliver a great service for you and also to reinforce our commitment to you at this difficult time.
imi login…
To contact us about becoming an IMI Approved Centre (UK or International) please email [email protected] ePortfolio read more IMI are proud to offer the FREE ePortfolio system to approved centres .
EP Centre Champion – IMI Awards
Covid-19 Update In light of the ongoing and increased uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus, we wanted to reassure you of the steps we’re taking to ensure we continue to deliver a great service for you and also to reinforce our commitment to you at this difficult time.
Log in | IMI | Institute of the Motor Industry
2021 Institute of the Motor Industry, Fanshaws, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8PQ, UK. +44 (0)1992 511 521 A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No: 225180
About ePortfolio – IMI Awards
About IMI ePortfolio. Developed in collaboration with approved centres and backed by the awarding body, IMI ePortfolio is the only system designed specifically for training providers within the automotive industry. No complicated set up, our team handles the registration so you don’t have to. Training and unlimited support provided.
ePortfolio is changing… | IMI Student Membership
ePortfolio changes The way your learners access ePortfolio is changing from the 1st March 2019. Learners can now access their entire IMI offer through one log in account to support them with their qualification! This will make their life much easier by having only one log in to remember! Already got an account? Ff learners already use ePortfolio, they will now be asked to create a ‘MyIMI …
Institute of the Motor Industry | IMI
The IMI is the professional association for individuals working in the motor industry. The Institute is the Sector Skills Council for the automotive retail industry and the governing body for the Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA) scheme.
Nova Training is an ‘Outstanding’ independent training provider with 25+ years
You will only find the genuine links of the “imi eportfolio login”. On and you can easily access it without any confusion for imi eportfolio login Make sure to bookmark this page for future login.